- I was crawling a website dynamically loaded by js and I continually got this error everytime I want to click an element with Selenium. I was stuck on this issue for a whole day. I tried different kinds of ways to handle with it and they didn’t work! When I almost gave it up, I found the problem.
In Selenium, if anlement satisfies all the following conditions, it is visible:
Referring to this answer on stackoverflow- visibility != hidden
- display != none (is also checked against every parent element)
- opacity != 0 (this is not checked for clicking an element)
- height and width are both > 0
- for an input, the attribute type != hidden
So check these out when you encountered the issue of ElementNotVisibleException. In my case, I used
to locate the element, which is not accurate enough. Because there are multiple elements with similar xpath expressions. When I check it withxxx.find_elements_by_xpath('//xpath...')
, I did get a list with multiple elements.The next step is as simple as getting the specific element I want by using the index of the list.Keep learning and don’t give up easily.
[UPDATE 2018.06.29]解决过程
- Google搜索该错误产生的可能原因
- 将原因逐个排查,仍没有解决
- 发现google上关于该问题的相关资料不多,说明不是一个普通遇到或难以解决的问题,很可能只是一个简单但没有注意到的问题
- 重新调试,发现是因为使用的xpath路径可以定位到不止一个元素而造成的。该网站由多个具有相似结构的部分构成,元素的xpath和css表达比较相似,造成这个错误比较隐蔽。